Research and Innovation Event: Inspiring you…
Start Date 17/01/2024, 09:30 AM
End Date 17/01/2024, 04:00 PM
Where? Elite Centre for Manufacturing Skills
Cambridge Street, Wolverhampton, WV10 0JR

Research and Innovation Event: Inspiring you… Come and join Black Country Healthcare Foundation Trust’s Research and Innovation Team on Wednesday 17th January 2024 at Elite Centre for Manufacturing Skills, Wolverhampton University and take a look at the hard work our Research Team are putting into
Our research team work hard delivering studies in collaboration with some of the UK’s top University’s and local NHS trusts to ensure our service users, carers and staff are given the opportunity to be involved in the very best quality of research.
On the day, you will be able to meet The Research and Innovation Team, Trust Staff, Research Study Sponsors and people with lived experience of working with us.
Save the date and register your interest by clicking 'reserve a spot'.
Lunch will be provided and free parking is avilable on the day!
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Privacy notice: Course/Webinar delivery is supported by the ECMS. By booking to attend this short course/event you are agreeing to share your data with the University of Wolverhampton, specifically, the ECMS Project who will collect and processes your Personal Data to facilitate the business engagement support that is being provided to beneficiaries through the ECMS Project, on behalf of the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership/Midlands Engine’s Black Country Local Growth Deal and the comply with contractual obligations to these funding bodies.